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Review and update of preliminary flood risk assessment in the 1st planning cycle

Preliminary flood risk assessment

In the 1st planning cycle of the implementation of the Floods Directive, a preliminary flood risk assessment was developed within the project “IT System of the Country’s Protection Against Extreme Hazards” (ISOK), financed from the European Regional Development Fund within the Innovative Economy Operational Programme. The project was carried out by the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management (IMGW-PIB) in consortium with:

  • National Water Management Authority (KZGW),
  • Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography (GUGiK),
  • Government Centre for Security (RCB),
  • National Institute of Telecommunications (ITL).

The preliminary flood risk assessment was prepared, according to the Water Law Act of 18 July 2001 (Dz. U. /Journal of Laws/ of 2012, item 145 as amended), by the President of the National Water Management Authority.

The preliminary flood risk assessment identified significant historical floods that had occurred up to 2011, as well as floods that may occur in the future (so-called probable floods), which could have potential adverse consequences for human health and life, economic activity, the environment and cultural heritage. These formed the basis for the identification of areas of potential significant flood risk, i.e. areas where a significant flood risk exists or is likely to occur.

In the 1st planning cycle, areas of potential significant flood risk were designated for fluvial floods and for seawater floods.

In the next implementation phase of the Floods Directive, flood hazard maps (FHMs) and flood risk maps (FRMs) are prepared for the areas and types of floods identified in the preliminary flood risk assessment.

For fluvial floods, 839 rivers with a total length of over 27,000 km, including

  • 253 rivers with a total length of approximately 14,500 km, were classified as areas of potential significant flood risk and identified for the development of FHMs and FRMs in the 1st planning cycle,
  • 586 rivers with a total length of approx. 13,000 km were identified for the development of FHMs and FRMs in the 2nd planning cycle.

The preliminary flood risk assessment was published on 22 December 2011.

Fig. 1. Map showing areas of potential significant flood risk designated in the 1st planning cycle

Report on the preparation of the PFRA (2011) archived

A detailed description of the methodology and the scope of the development of the PFRA in the 1st planning cycle is presented in the "Report on the  review and update of the preliminary flood risk assessment" and its appendices, available below.

Report on the review and update of preliminary flood risk assessment

Appendix 1 Summary of survey results

Appendix 2 Summary of significant historical floods and probable floods